How things work:

Our milk is available through our herd share. Think of it like a gym: you pay a membership fee and are then entitled to the benefits of that membership. In this case, the benefits of owning a share of a dairy cow herd. We deliver your milk from your cows to you each week!

How things work: If you pick up at a drop location, your milk will be in a cooler of ice at the drop location. If you pick up at one of our markets, simply come to our booth each week and pick up your milk jugs for the week. We use plastic half gallon milk jugs that are made from a non-leaching HDPE plastic. The plastic jugs can easily be recycled at your local recycling collection along with your other household plastics.

What do you need to do to sign up?

  • Choose the share option that fits your family’s needs in the drop down box here.

  • Select your convenient milk pick up location from our delivery schedule here.

  • Print and fill out the herd share agreement here and send it back to us! (Photo with your phone is fine!)


1 gallon

$50 dollar one time fee (Which includes our cost on the milk jugs we provide), monthly boarding that works out to $12/week (Billed monthly)

Half gallon

$30 dollar one time fee, monthly boarding fee that works out to $7/week (Billed monthly)

You can always add additional shares once you get started or cut back if you need to.

Payment options: We accept cash and check as well as now offering an online invoice that can be paid via a credit/debit card or PayPal at your convenience.

All access pass

$100 dollar one time fee. Entitles you to 2+ gallons per week ($96+/month) This is our “bulk discount” option and is great for a large family or folks that use the milk to make butter, cheese, other dairy products at home as well as drink it.

You can check out our delivery schedule here to find a drop that's close to you!

Ready to sign up?

  1. Click here
    To print and sign our herd share agreement.

  2. Click the "Pay Now" button on the top of the herd share agreement page to pay for the share that is right for you and your family.

  3. Be sure to contact us with your preferred delivery location and amount of milk you're signing up for each week.


Contact Us

Want more info? Here's how to contact us:



Phone: 931-256-7524