What happens if I’m out of town?

We can hold your milk while you are away. Please give us a minimum of 7 days notice if you will not be able to pick up your milk.
*Note: Last minute changes can still be refunded but will be subject to a 5% credit card transaction fee to cover our cost on the refund.

Can I reduce my share mid-month?

Sometimes things change. Your toddler flat out refuses to drink milk (which they LOVED last week), you are told by your doctor you need to avoid dairy for a month, etc. We try to be flexible. Reductions in shares are acceptable but as with the last minute holds, are subject to a 5% transaction fee to cover our costs.

Can I increase my share mid-month?

Yes! Absolutely. There will be an additional invoice that goes out for the additional milk you want to receive. It will not draft from your account automatically if you have that option set up for your monthly milk so PLEASE be sure to pay the additional invoice as soon as it is received.


Can I add dairy products to my weekly milk order?


What should I do if I can’t find my milk?


How do I pay?

What are the share options?


Yes! We would love for you to add any of our delicious dairy products to your weekly milk order! Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Dairy products take time to make. for example: yogurt takes a minimum of 2 days time to make, so please be understanding and realistic with WHEN you place your order. It’s not always possible for us to add on to the order for this week if you tell us the night before your order will go out. We do our best but we’re a small farm, not a big grocery store. :)

2.. Please select a few dairy products to order and set up a standing order for them as you do with the milk. This helps us plan what we need to make for the week’s orders. It’s okay to make changes if you get tired of something, but please keep changes to a minimum of once per month to avoid confusion.


While we do try to get everyone’s order straight and correct every week, mistakes happen. If you cannot locate your milk at your pick up location, PLEASE CALL/TEXT 931-256-7524 WHILE YOU ARE STILL AT THE PICK UP LOCATION. 9 times out of 10, we are able to figure out what happened and still get you milk! We will be happy to credit you if we are unable to correct the issue, but we cannot correct it if we don’t know until 2 days later so it’s important to contact us BY PHONE OR TEXT IMMEDIATELY so we can get you milk while it is still fresh!

We use email invoices that go out monthly on the 1st of the month. Example: January milk invoice goes out on January 1. All invoices are due by the 15th of the month. If the invoice is paid after the 15th of the month, it is subject to a 10% late fee for every month it is not paid.

We offer 3 different share sizes in order to help you get the right amount of milk every week.

1. The half gallon share. This entitles you to a half gallon of milk per week.

2. The 1 gallon share. This entitles you to 1 gallon per week.

3. the All Access Pass. This is our “bulk discount”. You pay for TWO 1 gallon shares and are entitled to purchase 2 or MORE gallons per week. You may choose how much milk you would like (in half gallon increments) to receive as your standing order. 2 gallons, 2.5 gallons, 3 gallons, etc. Works best for large families. To sign up for MORE than 2 gallons per week, please email joanna@orchardhousecreamery.com.